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Matters needing attention
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Matters needing attention in the exhibition

2018-08-04 16:29:13   来源:   评论:0 点击:

The detailed preparation before the exhibition is the preparation for the exhibition. The communication with customers is very important during the exhibition. The details determine the success or failure of the exhibition.

Keep the morale

Participants should pay special attention to their own image, in addition to wearing uniform and company logo badges. Everyone should stand up to welcome the guests, full of energy, a good mental outlook reflects the company's vitality and vigorous atmosphere. Participants are not allowed to mess around or eat or drink before the exhibition. They are not allowed to sit around in front of the booth and read books and newspapers to give customers a bad impression.

Calibrated boldness

Don't be shy with customers visiting the booth. Greet them and welcome them in. As long as you can stop by your booth, at least he has some interest, you should take the initiative to welcome him.

Take a photo with the client

Every customer who comes to the booth will take a picture with them and mark them on their business CARDS. By taking a group photo, it is convenient for you to remember the appearance of the customer. Then you can process the photo and write down the photo of xx and xx at the exhibition on a certain day and day of a certain year.

If the customer is a regular customer, you need to know two things. One is to ask customers for their Suggestions on products used before, and the other is to ask customers what products they will need in the future. For new customers, it is necessary to know whether the other side is the manufacturer or the dealer, so as to have a good idea, in short, to master more information.

Exchange customer resources with peers

Here refers to the peer, not refers to the same product of the enterprise, but refers to the same product of the enterprise. For example, in auto parts exhibitions, there are great differences in the types of products operated by exhibitors, such as exhibition of car audio, exhibition of car lamps, exhibition of car seats and so on. This kind of exhibition is both the supplier and the demander. Customers may ask you to buy the auto parts you don't manufacture, because they don't necessarily know the domestic market better than you do. So, take the initiative to visit your peers, recommend your product, give them a few samples, and ask them for samples. To achieve the effect of complementary sharing of resources.

Daily summary of work

At the end of each day, you should sort out the customers for the day and record the talking points. Try to remember the client's appearance and name with the group photo. In addition, judge the product popularity trend of this year according to the requirements raised in the customer conversation, and discuss the development and promotion of new products with the company's decision makers after the exhibition. For example, the maximum size of the on-board LCD TV on display at the exhibition is 17 inches, and many customers have asked whether to produce the 21-inch LCD TV, which is a potential market signal. If you get ahead and produce a 21-inch LCD TV, your sales will be good this year.
